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Lots of things get exaggerated in everything, and the difficulty of SEO has fallen victim to that, too. One thing about this is all those people! looking for the fast buck will always end up back at the starting line.

You will need to make a personal commitment to your success, and that is something you will need regardless of what you choose to do. On the other hand, how do you even begin if you know nothing about it? If you choose to read this article, then the lesson contained will serve you well if you use them.

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Understand the difference between on-page and off-page optimization. The only way you will know what to do and get anywhere is if you understand the concepts. Knowing how to balance both of these factors is necessary because that's how you'll ultimately make an impact on the search engines. You have to play the game the way they want you to play, and you have to follow their rules and give them real value. You can do off-page and exclude on-page and maybe rank well for a while, but you can just about never rank without off-page.

It is quite normal to have mistakes when you are just beginning with anything. However, with that said we do have to mention that you simply must learn why things went wrong because you never want to repeat it.

This is not a big deal, but like we said you must avoid doing the same wrong things over and over. Another point is that you need to make sure you learn the real nuts and bolts of SEO from a qualified teacher with credibility.

Blackhat SEO is basically doing things that are not accepted by the search engines, and many people view it as cheating and unethical. We do know that lots of people have tried it, and some have done well while others have not and have suffered certain consequences.

It may be possible for you to do very well and never have a problem, but the thing about it is that you are always running from the search engines. The exact opposite of this is what the majority of people do, whitehat SEO, and if that appeals to you, great - we only recommend whitehat, by the way. Do not ignore the building blocks of SEO because you need to have that knowledge. Your ability to rank well will be determined by many things such as your implementation of the right concepts. Getting to the top of the first page will require some time and of course work, so be prepared for that. Even though there is much to understand, none of it is hard to grasp or even do, and that is key to realizing.